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Newtown Cultural Arts Commission (NCAC)
December 9, 2010
Meeting Minutes

The Newtown Cultural Arts Commission held a meeting on Thursday, December 9, 2010 at 7:00 PM at the Newtown Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT.

Members Present: Martin Blanco, Rob Kaiser, Donna Mangiafico, Robert Rabinowitz, Donna Monteleone Randle, and Jennifer Rogers

Members Absent: Emily Howard, Jennifer Johnston, and Linda Watson

Auxiliary Members Present:  None

Guests:  Barbara Gaines

Jennifer Rogers called the meeting to order at 7:10 PM.

Minutes:  The minutes of the November 18, 2010 Special Meeting were approved as written.

Officer Reports:
Jennifer Rogers asked about progress made on scholarships and grants.  Robert Rabinowitz reported that he and Jennifer Johnston had not met to begin formulating the procedure for writing grants and establishing NCAC grants/scholarships.  Jennifer Rogers encouraged other members to volunteer to help Robert and Jennifer.

Jennifer reported that Georgia Monaghan, Editor-in-Chief of The Newtowner, would like the NCAC to write an article or column about the arts in Newtown.  Jennifer Rogers will follow-up with Georgia.

Jennifer Rogers asked members to send her any arts news for the NCAC calendar.  

Jennifer Rogers revisited the idea of sending a monthly newsletter.  It was agreed that a newsletter linked to the website would encourage people to view the website.  Rob Kaiser suggested that members visit the blog and write about upcoming events or comment about a recent event.  Jennifer Rogers will mock up a newsletter and email to everyone.  Members discussed asking High School students to submit articles to the newsletter and to also offer student content on our blog.  Robert Rabinowitz will discuss inviting students to participate with Lee Brownell, High School Librarian.  Lee offered to help facilitate this at the High School.

Programs and Events:

Flagpole Radio Café
Martin Blanco reviewed the financial report for the Season 3, Show 3.  Martin discussed reserving the Alexandria Room the night of future Flagpole shows to host art shows, wine and cheese and/or sponsor receptions.   

Jennifer Rogers asked if future Flagpole productions would move from general seating.  Martin reported that that would most likely not happen this season.  Barbara Gaines cautioned that ticket sales might be negatively impacted if people want to sit together, but purchase tickets separately.  They might not purchase tickets if they cannot sit together.  

Will-call ticketing was discussed.  Martin Blanco recommended that the will-call table be set up with three volunteers to expedite the process.    

Donna Mangiafico will write a procedure for securing the box office bank, managing the box office, and filling out the financial report.

Arts Festival
Donna Mangiafico booked the Council Chambers at the Newtown Municipal Center for the first planning meeting for the Newtown Arts Festival/Country Fair/Art Contest - Wednesday, January 12, 2011, 7:00 PM.  Donna will forward a draft of the invitation for NCAC members to review in the coming days.  She will also send a list of contacts for members review.

Jennifer Rogers suggested submitting a press release.  Members agreed to invite the arts community for the first meeting and then make an announcement to the public.

NCAC Website
No new progress to report.  Jennifer has a contact interested in helping.  Jennifer will get her in touch with Rob Kaiser.

Public Participation - None

Other Business

NCAC Members discussed the importance of attending at least 70% of the meetings.  Martin Blanco asked about the attendance policy for the NCAC members.  Donna Mangiafico reviewed the attendance policy in the bylaws.  

Robert Rabinowitz discussed the email he sent regarding Dental Associates of Connecticut sponsoring NCAC events.  There is a particular interest in supporting musical programs.

Rob Kaiser reported that the Fezziwig Ball has been canceled.  He will revisit managing this event again next year.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:07 PM.

The next NCAC Meeting is scheduled in Meeting Room 1 on Thursday, January 27, 2011, 7:00 PM at the Newtown Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT

Respectfully submitted,
Donna Mangiafico
Our Mission:  To create a greater awareness of the arts in our community through educating, enhancing, and promoting diverse cultural opportunities for Newtown.